Effective immediately, Computer Incentives is no longer a participating merchant in this program.
Computer Incentives features brand-name PCs and PC accessories/software for both home and office. Choose from a wide selection of HP computers, HP printers, and multifunction peripherals, Microsoft, Logitech, Apple and more.
If you are a first-time user, please contact Charlene Gibbens at 888-851-8344 to place an order or inquire about product availability.
If you are a first-time user you will need to register to access the site. Your user name and password will be e-mailed to you. To register, click on the Performance One® button, then on the Performance Plus First-Time User link. You are only required to fill out the fields marked with an asterisk. Required fields include User Name (can be anything you wish), First Name, Last Name, Department (leave Purch in this field), e-mail address and language. For further assistance logging in, please e-mail cgibbens@tallgrasstech.com or call 800-365-9586. Tall Grass Technologies is a part of Computer Incentives.
Website: computer-incentives.com